Creality Ender 5 Plus


Build Volume 350 x 350 x 400 mm
Layer Resolution High 100 microns
Nozzle Diameter 0.4
Filament Diameter 1.75
Тип оборудования 3D Printer
Технология Моделирование методом послойного наплавления (FDM)
Материалы PLA, ABS, Нейлон, Wood PLA, PC (поликарбонат), ASA, Резиноподобный материал (TPU ), PETG, XT-CLEAR, PLA+, ColorFabb XT CF20 (PET-G), nGen Amphora AM3300 (PET-G - сополиэфир PET), PA-CF (композитный материал на основе полиамида), corkFill - PLA/PHA + тонкое пробковое волокно, Green-TEC, Матовый PLA, PC-CF, Green-TecPro, NonOilen, Iglidur I150, iglidur I180, PETG Matte, nGen-CF, Green-TEC Pro Carbon, ASA-CF
Средняя цена 549,00 $

О Ender 5 Plus

Ender 5 Plus is an FDM 3D printer with a large build volume of 350 x 350 x 400 mm from the Chinese machine manufacturer Creality. The frame is made of aluminum profiles in a Gantry style design with dual Z-axis for better stability. This printer is also equipped with filament outage detection and printing resume function. It allows simplified bed calibration with pre-installed BL Touch, too.


  • Aluminum profile frame;
  • Filament outage detection;
  • Resume printing function;
  • Semi-auto bed leveling;
  • Dual Z-axis;
  • 4.3 in. touchscreen;
  • Removable tempered glass plate;
  • Shipped pre-assembled.

Buy Ender-5 Plus

Обзоры 3.5 4 reviews

Качество Печати
Ease Of Use
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Running Expenses
Build Quality
Клиентская Поддержка
13 июн. 2023 г.
Bad. Much problems
5 мая 2021 г.
ender 5 plus have huge bed size. 350x350x400mm .
ender 5 plus print material like PLA and PETG in high quality
22 мар. 2021 г.
A good printer for the price. Requires a few modifications and tinkering to get it dialed in. Silent board upgrade is a must if you plan on spending any time in the same room as the printer as the stock board is extremely loud. Excellent build volume for those that need to print larger objects. Has huge facebook and reddit communities.
12 февр. 2021 г.
Creality isn’t as good as Prusa but has a large build volume