LAR Technologies LAR100


Build Volume 100 x 100 x 200 mm
Layer Resolution High 100 micron (0.004 in.)
Print Speed Max. 15cm3/h.
ПроизводительLAR Technologies
Тип оборудования 3D Printer
Технология Прямое лазерное спекание металлов (DMLS)
Материалы Кобальт-Хром, LaserForm Ni718, Aluminium Alloy AlSi12, Titanium Ti64, Алюминий AlSi10Mg
Средняя цена 80 938,00 $

О LAR100

LAR100 is a metal 3D printer from a Russian company LAR Technologies. The printer was mentioned as one of the most affordable metal machines on the market. The machine is equipped with a 200W IPG Photonics laser and claims to have a building speed up to 15cm3/h. The build chamber is filled with Argon gas for a better performance. If that’s not enough, you can switch to a source up to 1kW for an additional cost. Other potential features the manufacturer offers include AI visual coating control, 2 way coating system (to cut down the production time) and an auto powder recycling system.

LAR100 supports many powdered alloys such as Al, Ti, Ni, Co-Cr, Cr-Ni, Fe. The software is open-source, so printer’s functions can be customised for a certain application.


  • 200W IPG Photonics laser
  • Supports 3rd party materials
  • Open-source software
  • Modular construction
  • Argon gas atmosphere

Продукция 3D печати, изготовленная с использованием LAR100
