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STL, PLY, OBJ, 3MF, CDR, DXF, EPS, PDF or SVG files are supported

Описание RS-Dragon

we work on printing end user products and R&D prototypes supporting :-
1- large area FDM printing (125 cm*85 cm*40 cm) - large area DLP (30*50*57 cm)
2- many levels of quality and resolution up to 50 micron -25 micron
3- casting service " printing for casting is one of most important way of modern manufacture we support (waste casting- sand casting - HPDC )
4-coloring - finishing - PCB during printing inserting

Shipping options

Cairo Governorate, Cairo Governorate, EG


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Treatstock Achievement

Registration 8 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Примеры работ / Производственный процесс

machine.jpgmarvinx1.jpgmarvinx2.jpgmarvinx3.jpgrobotx1.jpgrobotx2.jpgdia1.jpgdia2.jpgprint1.jpgprint2.jpgdlp monister.jpg