I designed this raindrop shaped vase in FreeCAD!
You can also do an anti-gravity water trick with it.
Watertight print: https://youtu.be/UFap3iWBPpk
...Показать больше
water trick: https://youtu.be/UjsuTc3pg9M
⚙ My PLA Simplify3D print settings:
- ±500mm/minute (8mm/second) (vase mode)
- hotend 185°C | bed 50°C
- 250 micron | infill 20% (first 5-8mm)
- 2 top layers | 2 bottom layers | 2 outline layers (first 5-8mm; then vase mode without top layer)
- brass nozzle 0.35mm
- extrusion width 0.44mm
- retraction 1.00mm
- extrusion multiplier 0.95
- coasting 0.30mm
- wipe distance off
- fan 75%
- only support the first 5-8mm