Make #21 - Leaping Deer от Johnnn_3d

Размер: 2.4 x 3.5 x 0.12 д x 1
Описание Модели
3D model of faberdasher
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Nothing expresses the majesty of winter wildlife quite like a leaping deer. Hang...Показать больше
this elegant print on your tree and admire its bounding beauty!

Slice with 2 shells (/perimeters) and 10% infill. At coarse resolution (0.3mm), you will find prints have extra shimmer (and print quicker!).
Created in stunning Faberdashery Robot Silver PLA^

This print requires ~5g of material (~1m of 3mm / ~2m of 1.75mm filament).

Print out, thread with cord and hang on your tree!
Об авторе этой модели
75 models uploaded
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