I want a Raspberry Pi 3 B housing and a camera mount. So I combined both. The housing is attached (left) to the aluminum profile of the printer.
I also want to
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monitor my printing process with Octoprint or Octopi. Unfortunately a longer cable at the camera led to a very dark picture. So I designed the Rasperry Pi Case as an additional stand that gives me extra height for the camera while using a short cable.
**Update 1**
After I was not satisfied with the last model, I sat down again at the digital drawing board.
The new case leaves much more space and integrates the cables inside. So the pins are covered. In addition, I added an opening for the camera cable on the top and optimized the mount. The arm can now be turned.
I was also not satisfied with the length of the arm. Therefore I will now use a 30cm cable for the camera.
**Update 2**
Since I also want to control my Octoprint with physical buttons (start/pause and stop), I added a variant for 6x6mm push buttons. I'll write the instructions here as soon as the case is printed.
**Update 3**
Version 7 now has a grille on the front. This makes it easier to print this part. Furthermore I opened the cable channel for the buttons downwards so that the support can be removed better and the wiring is easier.
**At the moment the following must be printed:**
1 x oberseite.stl
1 x unterseite.stl (with or without the buttons)
1 x 1_arm_1cm.stl
2 x 2_arm_cable.stl
1 x 3_cam_back.stl
1 x 4_cam_front.stl
1 x 5_arm_Y.stl
**This is a remix of 3 great models. My thanks go to:**
- franciscorp for the great case and providing the FreeCad model file.
- SnorlaximusPrime for the great idea with the cable holder on the arm.
- and of course RaffoSan for the creation of the hinge system.