Help Center

Not satisfied with your product?

In the event that manufactured products in an order are custom made on-demand, we will refund the money only in the case of a fault, defect, failure to meet specifications, or in case of non-delivery of the manufactured products within a reasonable time frame.

To make the dispute process easier for everyone, we recommend explaining the issues in detail. If you experience problems with a part’s quality, size, color, or condition, a photo or video of the problematic areas would significantly assist the dispute review process. We suggest contacting the manufacturer of your items as soon as you discover the defects and other issues with your order. If the manufacturer doesn’t reply to you promptly or you can’t find a satisfactory compromise, please don’t hesitate to contact the support team for assistance.

Please note: Treatstock is not responsible for any unpublished files that have not been checked by our moderation team, in particular, broken files or files that contain non-manufacturable components, including orders from our API and affiliate partners. However, we will always do our best to help customers with their orders and find a reasonable outcome for all parties.

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